Tuesday 9 March 2021

Grammar Class 10th Revision



Grammar Class 10th Revision


8. Do as directed: 10 Marks


i. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

Chandigarh is _____________ capital of Punjab. It is _______favourite city. 2

a) an, an

b) an , a

c) a, a

d) the, my


ii. Fill in the blank with a suitable modal:

_______ I come in? (permission) 1

a) may

b) will

c) need

d) dare to


iii. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 2

Mr Smith is known ____ me. Once we met in a garden. From there, he took me ______ his home.

a) to, to

b) after, in

c) for, in

d) of, from


iv. Fill in the blanks with correct conjunction from the given options. 1

He did not come to school______he was ill.

a) so

b) and

c) because

d) but


v. Complete the following sentence using the non-finite form of the verb given in the bracket:

_________ is injurious to health. (smoke) 1

a) smoke

b) smoking

c) to smoke

d) smoked


vi. Change the tense: 2

We play in the ground. (Change into Present Continuous Tense)

a) We played in the ground.

b) We are playing in the ground.

c) We have played in the ground.

d) We were playing in the ground.


vii. Punctuate the following sentence: 1

simran is a student of s.d. college jalandhar

a) Simran is a student of s.d. college jalandhar

b) Simran is a student of S.D. College jalandhar

c) Simran is a student of S.D.College Jalandhar

d) Simran is a student of S.D. College Jalandhar.



8. Do as Directed: 10 Marks


i. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners: 2

When Mr Sharma was coming back, he saw ____ girls who were playing in ____ ground.

(i) a, the

(ii) some, the

(iii) few, a

(iv) an, the


ii. Fill in the blank with a suitable modal: 1

He ______ lift this bag easily. (showing ability)

(i) can

(ii) should

(iii) would

(iv) will


iii. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 2

He was really a man _____ letters but unfortunately he was blind ______ one eye.

(i) a, with

(ii) of, of

(iii) to, with

(iv) of, with


iv. Join the following sentences with a suitable conjunction. 2

I know him. I know his brother.

i) I know him and I know his brother.

(ii) I know him and his brother.

(iii) I know his brother and him.

(iv) I know him and brother.


v. Fill in the blank with correct form of the non-finite verb given in the bracket.

Let me __________(ask) a question.

a) to ask

b) asking

c) ask

d) asked


vi. Change the tense: 2

The peon rings the bell. (Change into Past Continuous Tense)

a) The peon rang the bell.

(b) The peon is ringing the bell.

(c) The peon was ringing the bell.

(d) The peon had rung the bell.


vii. Punctuate the following sentence: 1

my sister is an ma bed

a) My sister is An M.A.B.E.D

(b) My sister is an m.a.b.ed

(c) My sister is an M.A ,B.Ed.

(d) My sister is an MA BEd.





Q8). Do as directed: (10 Marks)

I. Fill the blanks with suitable determiners:

___________ Taj Mahal is _____________ most beautiful building.

a) the, the

b) a, the

c) the, a

d) a, an


II. Fill the blanks with suitable modal:

1. ___________ I smoke here?

a) can

b) might

c) may

d) will


2. Duty ____________ be done.

a) Should

b) must

c) can

d) would


III. Fill the blanks with suitable prepositions:

Mr. Blacksmith is known _____________ me. Once we met ______________ a garden.

a) of, on

b) for, in

c) with, to

d) to, in


IV. Combine the sentences with suitable Conjunction:

She is poor, _____________ she is honest.

a) so

b) because

c) but

d) if


V. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the non-finite verb given in the brackets:

_____________ a man is a crime.

a) killing

b) killed

c) had killed

d) To kill


VI. Mohan helps his father. (Choose the correct Past Indefinite Tense from following sentences.)

a) Mohan will help his father.

b) Mohan had helped his father.

c) Mohan helped his father.

d) Mohan have helped his father.


VII. Choose the correct Punctuation from the following:

harpreet is a student of khalsa college amritsar

a) Harpreet is a student of khalsa college Amritsar.

b) Harpreet is a student of Khalsa College, Amritsar.

b) Harpreet is a student of Khalsa College Amritsar.

d) Harpreet is a student of Khalsa college Amritsar.





Q8) Do as Directed (10 Marks)


1. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

I heard______loud noise in ______next house . (2)

a) an,the

b) an,a

c) a,the

d) the,my


2. Fill in the blanks with suitable modal :

(a) _____________ you like to have a cup of coffee . (1)

a) Will

b) Would

c) Should

d). Can


3. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition : ( 2)


(a) He is popular ____________ men and women of the city .

a) between

b) among

c) beside

d) although


(b) Mr. Smith is known ______________me .

a) at

b) to

c) with

d) in


4. Choose the correct sentence after adding conjunction in given sentences . (1)

He did not come to school. He was ill (because)

a) He did not come to school because he was ill.

b) He was ill because he did not come to school.

c) He was not ill because he did not come to school.

d) He was not come to school because he was ill.


5. Choose the correct non-finite form of verb.

____________is injurious to health. (smoke) (1)

a) to smoke

b) smoking


d) having smoked


6. Choose the correct Present continuous tense from the given sentences. (2)

We play cricket.

a) We played cricket.

b) We were playing cricket.

c) We are playing cricket.

d) We play cricket.


7. Choose the correct Punctuation sentence from these given sentences. (1)

harpreet is a student of khalsa college amritsar

a) Harpreet is a student of khalsa college Amritsar.

b) Harpreet is a student of Khalsa College Amritsar.

c) Harpreet is a student of Khalsa College, Amritsar.

d) Harpreet is a student of khalsa college, Amritsar





8. Do as directed: 10 Marks

i. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners: 2

a) India is a great country. We are proud of____ rich heritage.

i) his

ii) its

iii) my

iv) your


b) Delhi is______ capital of India.

i) a

ii) an

iii) the

iv) none


ii. Fill in the blank with a suitable modal: 2

____ that I were rich! (a wish)

a) may

b) would

c) will

d) can


iii) I told him that he leave.

a) can

b) could

c) may

d) will


iv. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: 2

Life is not a bed ___ roses but a bed ___ thorns.

a) of, of

b) to, of

c) in, at

d) of, on


v. Fill in the blank with correct conjunction from the given options: 1

My friend had been suffering from cholera ____ Monday.

a) and

b) since

c) but

d) because


vi. Complete the following sentence using the non-finite form of the verb given in

the bracket: 1

He dislike…………in the village.(live)

a) to live

b) live

c) living

d) lived


vii. Change the tense: 2

He plays football. (Change into Past Indefinite Tense)

a) He is playing football.

b)He will play football.

c) He played football.

d) He was playing football.


viii. Punctuate the following sentence: 1

he asked me why i was crying

a) he asked me Why I was crying.

b) He asked me why I was crying.

c) he asked me why I was crying?

d) He asked me why was I crying?




8. Grammar ( Do as Directed ) 10 marks

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

Chandigarh is ___________ capital of Punjab . It is ______________ favorite City . 2

a) an,the

b) an,a

c) a,the

d) the,my


2. Fill in the blanks with suitable modal :

(a) _____________ you like to have a cup of coffee .

i) Will

ii) Would

iii) Should

iv) Can


3. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition : 2


(a) He is popular ____________ men and women of the city .

i) between

ii) among

iii) beside

iv) although


(b) Mr. Smith is known ______________me .

i) at

ii) to

iii) with

iv) in


4. Combined the following sentence with the conjunction given in the bracket :. 1

(a) He did not come to school . He was ill (because)

i) He did not come to school because he was ill.

ii) He was ill because he did not come to school.

iii) He was not ill because he did not come to school.

iv) He was not come to school because he was ill.


5. Use the non-finite form of the verb :

____________is injurious to health . (smoke) 1

a) to smoke

b) smoking


d) having smoked


6. Change the Tense : 2

We play cricket (Change into Present Continuous Tense)

a) We played cricket.

b) We were playing cricket.

c) We are playing cricket.

d) We play cricket.


7. Punctuate the following :. 1

harpreet is a student of khalsa college amritsar

a) Harpreet is a student of khalsa college Amritsar.

b) Harpreet is a student of Khalsa College Amritsar.

c) Harpreet is a student of Khalsa College, Amritsar.

d) Harpreet is a student of khalsa college, Amritsar





8. Do as directed: (Grammar) (10X1=10 Marks)

(i) Fill in the blank with a suitable determiner: (2)

_____Ganga is _____ sacred river.

a. The, the

b. The,a

c. A, a

d. A, the


(ii) Fill in the blanks with a suitable modal: (1)

_____ that I were rich!

a. May

b. Can

c. Would

d. Will


(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition: (2)

Life is not a bed ___roses but a bed ___ thorns.

a. of, of

b. with, to

c. to, of

d. of, in


(iv) Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction: (1)

He did not come to school ____ he was ill.

a. so

b. and

c. because

d. but


(v) Complete the following sentence using the non –finite form of the verb given in bracket: (1)

_____ is a good exercise. (swim)

a. Swim

b. To swim

c. Swam

d. Swimming


(vi) Change the tense (1)

I have finished my work. (Choose the correct Past Indefinite form of the given sentence)

a. I finished my work.

b. I finished my work

c. I was finishing my work.

d. I had finished my work.


Vii) choose the correct Future tense of given sentence.

They are playing cricket.

a. They played cricket.

b. They will have played cricket.

c. They had played cricket.

d. They are playing cricket.


(viii) Choose the correct punctuation of given sentence: (1)

my sister is an m a bed

a. My sister is an m.a.b.ed.

b. My sister is an M.A,B.Ed.

c. My sister is an M.A. B.Ed.

d. My sister is an M.A. B.ed.





8. Do as directed (10x1=10 Marks)

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

(i) She knows ………… languages.

(a) much

(b) many

(c) some

(d) any


(ii) Ink is …………… useful article.

(a) a

(b) an

(c) the

(d) none


II. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

(i) She is fond ………………. Music.

(a) of

(b) at

(c) in

(d) by


(ii) I prefer tea …………… coffee.

(a) to

(b) from

(c) into

(d) of


III. Fill in the blanks with suitable modals:

(i) You …….. respect your parents.

(a) Should

(b) can

(c) ought

(d) may


(ii) …………… I come in?

(a) can

(b) may

(c) will

(d) would


IV. Non-finite

(i) The book was easy …………………..

(a) to read

(b) read

(c) reading

(d) reads


(ii) Let him ……….. now.

(a) to go

(b) go

(c) went

(d) goes


V. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions:

I. He is rich ………….. he is a miser.

(a) but

(b) and

(c) because

(d) that


II. I was late for school ………… I missed the first bus.

(a) And

(b) because

(c) but

(d) although